
[February 2023]      Dr. Jenny Hinshaw, John's postdoc advisor, visited us! 
Jenny Hinshaw visit in Feb 2023
Jenny Hinshaw visit in Feb 2023
[February 2023]     Sophie Skanchy begins her PhD rotation. Welcome Sophie!
[December 2022]   Alana Young moves on to Rutgers University to pursue a degree in Master of Business and Science. Congratulations, Alana!
[December 2022]   Lab holiday celebration followed by axe throwing at Stumpy's. 
[December 2022]   Mol Bio Department Holiday Party! 
Mol Bio holiday party 2022
[December 2022]    Alana Young and Nathan Fowler receive Spot Awards. Congratulations!
[November 2022]   The cryo-confocal microscope (Coral Cryo with white light laser, from Leica) is up and running! 
Erik and Nathan on the cryo-confocal
[November 2022]   Erik Zupa PhD, joins our lab for his postdoc research. Welcome Erik!
[November 2022]   Gayatri Ganesan joins our group for her undergraduate independent thesis. 
[November 2022]   Amari Tankard, PhD student, joins our lab! Amari is co-advised with Prof. Danelle Devenport. 
[September 2022]  We participate in the Mol Bio retreat. John gives a research talk; Nathan presents a poster; Amari is awarded the DEI Advocacy Award!
[September 2022]  Lab ice cream outing to Bent spoon
Ice cream at Bent spoon
[September 2022]  Mol Bio Summer picnic. 
Mol Bio Summer picnic 2022
[September 2022]  Jenny Nwokeji continues her research in our lab during semesters. Jenny is also awarded the Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence. Congrats Jenny!
[August 2022]        Plasmodium falciparum, malaria parasite, culture is initiated by Alana Young!
Alana growing parasites
Plasmodium falciparum parasites - first for our lab
[June 2022]           Jenny Nwokeji, 1st year undergraduate student, joins our lab for the OURSIP program over the summer. Welcome Jenny!
[June 2022]           John gives a talk at the cell-cell fusion GRC and attends the 3DEM GRC. 
[April 2022]            Seraya Jones joins our lab as our first PhD student!
Seraya on Titan Krios
Seraya and Nathan
[April 2022]            Alana Young joins our lab. Welcome Alana!
the lab in spring
[February 2022]     Nathan Fowler joins our lab as a research specialist. Welcome Nathan!
[February 2022]     Seraya Jones begins her PhD rotation. Welcome Seraya!
[January 2022]       Amanda Banh begins undergraduate independent research (thesis) in the lab. Welcome Amanda!
[January 2022]      State of the lab: our equipment and tools are arriving.
[January 2022]       R00 grant (from NIGMS, NIH MOSAIC K99/R00 program) activated. 
[January 2022]       The lab opens.
Home page - Welcome!
[September 2021]   We are recruiting scientists to investigate membrane remodeling in malaria parasites and human cells.
[September 2021]   Jimah Lab website goes live. Learn about our research.  
[September 2021]   Welcome! Jimah lab opens January 2022.